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View Data

Data statistics of the sequences from public databases(GenBank, Etc.) of specific gene (rbcL, atpB, Etc.).

You can select a gene or all the genes from the drop-down list. There are two ways to browse the tree. You can either browse from subkingdom down to the species level or enter any taxonomic name into the search bar.
Input Genename:
Input Scientific Name:

    Statistics Data for (taxon: Embryophyta (from search, above, in View Data))

    Taxonomic category:


    Results can be displayed in genus level or species lever. You can manage the taxon that you want to out-put and then press the “excel out” button to output the .xls format file of the data stats.

    Statistics Data (for the taxons list in the .xls file, the input file example (.xls): input template ,the output file example (.xls):output template
    You can upload an xls. format file with the genera names list on the first row. After press “Statistic Out”, you will get an xls. format file with each genus’ sequences numbers that deposited in our database.

    Here import your excel file:        

    Data Download(for the taxons list in the.xls file,the input file example(.xls): Input Template ,the output file example (.fasta):Output Template
    You can upload an xls. format file with the genera names list on the first row. After press “Fasta Out”

    Here import your excel file:   

    Cooperation 仙湖植物园 计算机信息中心 中国科学院植物研究所